Meet the Team
Paul - Founder/Director
Head of the Yard - The Boss
AKA - Mr Laidback -
Kelly Anne - Founder/Managing Director
Head of Sales - The Real Boss
AKA - The Ice Queen -
James - Front of Office/Sales
The Office Fireman
AKA - Mr Chatty -
Lauren - Deliveries/Yard Organiser
The All Rounder
AKA - 1 half of The Forkettes -
Donna - Yard Organiser
The "Go to"
AKA - The other half of The Forkettes -
Fraser - Head Fabricator
The List man
AKA - Crazy Eyes -
Jay - Junior Fabricator
The Yard Fireman
AKA - Janice -
Charlie - The Grass Yard Mascot
Guard Dog...ish
AKA - The Princess